College Student Guide to Finding a Washington Sublease or Sublet
Are you looking for an Washington sublease or for a place to advertise your
Washington sublease? and are the most comprehensive and user friendly websites for
temporary apartment, housing and college student accomodations. Our websites provide
extensive resources to help people find, sublease or sublet a WA sublease.
For Washington sublease Advertisers: It's easy for people
to contact you by phone or email once you've placed your Washington sublease ad. Try
it today.
For Washington sublease Searchers: It's free and easy to find subleases close to your town
city, college or university. Try it today. is for Washington Landlords and tenants subleasing or subletting their
apartments, lofts, basement suites, rooms or houses, or searching for a Washington sublease.
The Washington sublease resources provide direct secure email or phone access
to landlords, detailed descriptions and photographs, as well as information about
rental contracts and agreements to facilitate your housing needs across the USA.
We make accomplishing your housing rental or leasing goals easy.
Don't wait. Post and advertise your available Washington sublease or search
for available Washington subleases at today.
What is a Washington sublease?
1. A Washington sublease is a rental agreement or lease between a tenant and a new tenant (called a sublessee)
who will either share the rental or take over from the first tenant. The sublessee
pays rent directly to the tenant. The tenant is still completely responsible to the
landlord for the rent and for any damage, including that caused by the sublessee.
Most landlords prohibit subleases unless they have given prior written consent.
2. A Washington sublease is a lease given by a lessee for a portion of the leasehold
interest, while the
lessee retains some reversionary interest. The sublease may be for all or part of
the premises, for the whole term or part of it, as long as the lessor retains some interest in the property.
3. A Washington sublease is the transferring of lease rights to a different party. Usually prohibited and a breach
of contract. Check with your lessor or assignee before entering into a sublease.
4. A Washington sublease is a lease, under which the lessor is the lessee of a prior lease of the same property.
The sublease may be different in terms from the original Lease, but cannot contain a
greater property interest. Example: "A" leases to "B" for five years. "B" may
sublease to "C" for three years, but not for six years. (Rent can be greater or less
than that in the prior Lease). The original tenant remains primarily responsible to
the landlord, and the subtenant is responsible to the original tenant.
5. A Washington sublease is a transaction in which leased property is released by the original lessee to a third
party, and the lease agreement between the two original parties remains in effect.
6. A Washington sublease is an deal in which a tenant leases rental property to another, and the tenant
becomes landlord to the subtenant.